New Site / Blog

April 1, 2011

My new homepage is online at  Please check it out!

You may have noticed that I’m not particularly dedicated to this blog.  Posts go up when they go up, and sometimes I go three months without writing anything new…  In addition, I realized that awesome blogs have a focus.  This blog doesn’t.

In my new blog, I’ll be focusing mostly on technology, python and javascript development, with some China and productivity influences.  Everything else will stay here.  That actually includes a lot, though, so I’ll try to update once a month or so – whenever I have time.

To conclude, here’s a picture of an awesome box of orange/mango Oreo cookies that I bought at 7/11 next week.  The orange side was ok, and the mango side was terrible.  Never again.


Orange Mango Oreos from 7/11

Orange Mango Oreos from 7/11

3 Responses to “New Site / Blog”

  1. Kendall Says:

    There’s no commenting on your new blog. Is it because it’s purely for marketing and such? I’m curious, because that seems like that would be something you would put some effort into investigating–whether commenting attracts people more people or not and also whether they are the type of people you want frequenting your site.

    Just thought of this while I was trying to find a place to comment on how funny your pic was. Very introspective … aaaand maybe that’s why there’s no commenting 😉

    • Mike Says:

      Actually, commenting is disabled right now because it causes an error and they don’t work yet.

      I’m using a custom blogging platform written in python as a way of learning more about Django and always having something to tinker with even when I’m out of other ideas. I already have a bunch of features in a queue that I want to add.

      Anyway, the comments should work soon; I’m going to try to fix them today. Sometime in the next few weeks, I’m also going to see if I can integrate Disqus comments, instead of storing everything locally. They’re so much nicer.

    • Mike Says:

      Oh, and about the picture… That’s really the best picture of me I have. When I put the site together, I realized that I need to take a new/better one some time.

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